Inflationomics Bookstore: Listing alphabetically by Author
Anderson, Benjamin M.:
- Economics and the Public Welfare: A Financial and Economic History of the United States, 1914-1946 (Clothbound)
- Economics and the Public Welfare: A Financial and Economic History of the United States, 1914-1946 (Paperback)
- The Value of Money (Downloadable)
- The Value of Money (Paperback)
Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von:
- Basic Principles of Economic Value (Paperback)
- Capital and Interest - Three-in-one volume edition (Paperback)
- Capital and Interest - Three-volume set (Paperback)
- Shorter Classics (Downloadable)
- Shorter Classics (Paperback)
- The Exploitation Theory of Socialism-Communism (Paperback)
- Value and Price: An Extract from Capital and Interest (Paperback)
Gnüchtel, Hermann:
- Economic Terms and Concepts: Introduction to the Fascinating World of Economics (Paperback)
- Economic Terms and Concepts: Introduction to the Fascinating World of Economics (Downloadable)
Grotewold, Andreas:
- Patterns of World Trade (Paperback)
Hendrickson, Mark W.:
- America's March Toward Communism: Forsaking our Heritage (Downloadable)
- America's March Toward Communism: Forsaking our Heritage (Paperback)
Hutt, W.H.:
- The Keynesian Episode: A Reassessment (Clothbound)
- The Keynesian Episode: A Reassessment (Paperback)
Jefferson, Thomas:
- Jefferson's "Bible" (Paperback)
Kendall, Frances:
- Super Parents Super Children (Paperback)
Kline, Peter:
- The Everyday Genius (Paperback)
Knight, Frank H.:
- Freedom and Reform: Essays in Economics and Social Philosophy (Clothbound)
- Freedom and Reform: Essays in Economics and Social Philosophy (Paperback)
Leoni, Bruno:
- Freedom and the Law: Expanded Third Edition (Clothbound)
- Freedom and the Law: Expanded Third Edition (Paperback)
Menger, Carl:
- Investigations into the Methods of the Social Sciences (Paperback)
- Principles of Economics (Paperback)
Mill, John Stuart:
- On Liberty and Utilitarianism(Downloadable)
- On Liberty and Utilitarianism (Paperback)
Mises, Ludwig von:
- Between the Two World Wars: Monetary Disorder, Interventionism, Socialism, and the Great Depression (Clothbound)
- Between the Two World Wars: Monetary Disorder, Interventionism, Socialism, and the Great Depression (Paperback)
- Economic Freedom and Interventionism: An Anthology of Articles and Essays (Paperback)
- Economic Freedom and Interventionism: An Anthology of Articles and Essays (Clothbound)
- Human Action: A Treatise on Economics (Clothbound)
- Human Action: A Treatise on Economics (Paperback)
- Liberalism: The Classical Tradition (Clothbound)
- Liberalism: The Classical Tradition (Paperback)
- Nation, State, and Economy: Contributions to the Politics and History of Our Time (Clothbound)
- Nation, State, and Economy: Contributions to the Politics and History of Our Time (Paperback)
- Notes and Recollections (Paperback)
- Planning for Freedom (Downloadable)
- Planning for Freedom (Paperback)
- Socialism (Clothbound)
- Socialism (Paperback)
- The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality (Downloadable)
- The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality (Paperback)
- The Political Economy of International Reform and Reconstruction (Clothbound)
- The Political Economy of International Reform and Reconstruction (Paperback)
- The Theory of Money and Credit (Clothbound)
- The Theory of Money and Credit (Paperback)
- Theory and History: An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution (Clothbound)
- Theory and History: An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution (Paperback)
Mises, Margit von:
- My Years With Ludwig von Mises (Clothbound or Paperback)
Pendley, William P.:
- The Federal Government's Attack on Property Rights (Downloadable)
- The Federal Government's Attack on Property Rights (Paperback)
Röpke, Wilhelm:
- Economics of the Free Society (Downloadable)
- Economics of the Free Society (Paperback)
Rothbard, Murray N.:
- The Essential von Mises (Paperback)
Schoeck, Helmut:
- Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior (Clothbound)
- Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior (Paperback)
Sennholz, Hans F.:
- A Good Education (Downloadable)
- A Man of Principle: Essays in Honor of Hans F. Sennholz (Clothbound)
- Age of Inflation (Downloadable)
- Age of Inflation (Paperback)
- Age of Inflation Continued (Downloadable)
- Age of Inflation Continued (Paperback)
- Beware of Despair (Downloadable)
- Death and Taxes (Paperback)
- Debts and Deficits (Paperback)
- In Pursuit of Excellence (Downloadable)
- Inflation, or Gold Standard? (Downloadable)
- Man Must Work (Downloadable)
- Minimum Wages (Downloadable)
- Money and Freedom (Downloadable)
- Money and Freedom (Paperback)
- Multiculturalism is Anticulturalism (Downloadable)
- Poor Countries (Downloadable)
- The Costs of Crime (Downloadable)
- The Dreams of Youth (Downloadable)
- The High Ground (Downloadable)
- Two Standards of Morality (Downloadable)
- Wasting the Later Years of Life (Downloadable)
Sennholz, Robert F.:
- A Beginner's Buying Guide to Gold and Silver (Downloadable)
- How Many of These 20 Commonly Accepted Myths about Your Job are Blocking Your Path to Real Success?(Downloadable)
- In Times of Inflation, Some Debtors Gain More than Others, and Creditors Lose (Downloadable)
Spencer, Herbert:
- The Man Versus the State: With Six Essays on Government, Society, and Freedom (Clothbound)
- The Man Versus the State: With Six Essays on Government, Society, and Freedom (Paperback)
Sumner, William: