Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE)
Monday, the 16th of December 2024
Efficiency generally means that something works with minimal or no waste. In the world of business, an organization is considered to be efficient if/when it earns a profit…the greater the profit, the greater the efficiency. Governments...
Monday, the 14th of October 2024
What is Wealth? Where does Wealth come from? How does someone become Wealthy? Where in the world is the best place to accumulate wealth?
What Are You Speculating in?
Tuesday, the 7th of May 2024
Most people don't think of themselves as speculators, but...
If Seashells were Money, Why not Bitcoin?
Wednesday, the 6th of March 2024
One of the earliest forms of money was seashells; however, gold and silver...
Looking Ahead
Thursday, the 21st of December 2023
For anyone who has been paying attention to what the Fed and U.S. federal government have been doing, it must be obvious that:
Five Reasons Governments Lie
Tuesday, the 4th of April 2023
Why would a government ever lie to its citizens? I can think of five reasons...can you think of more?
Why Have There Been so Many Mergers and Consolidations in the U.S. over the Years?
Monday, the 16th of January 2023
Some people believe that big corporations are to blame...
This Chart Shows Why Inflation Isn't Going Anywhere
Tuesday, the 22nd of November 2022
I want to show you something important today. It has to do with everything that's in the financial news. And yet I don't think I've seen anybody looking at things quite this way.
Biden's National Security Strategy Visited
Thursday, the 10th of November 2022
According to the Biden administration's latest National Security Strategy, "The People's Republic of China...
How Inflation Misallocates Resources
Tuesday, the 21st of June 2022
A friend recently asked me how one prepares for hyper-inflation. I told him...
What Would You Do if Your Bank Account were Frozen?
Thursday, the 7th of April 2022
That’s what happened to Russia after its troops invaded the Ukraine. It had roughly $650 billion in foreign exchange reserves parked in banks around the world.
Economic Lessons for Amish Children
Sunday, the 6th of February 2022
I recently had a second Amish baby boy named after me. While I could obviously gift the child and his parents gifts of gold or silver, it occurred to me that it would be nice if I could give them something more…something they wouldn’t get from any place else; i.e., a little knowledge about economics. The Amish never take a course on economics as they never attend school past eighth grade. Furthermore, their teachers never go to school beyond eighth grade. So where can they obtain any knowledge of economics? As far as I know, they don’t subscribe to economic newsletters or other publications; therefore, I wrote down the following ten items I call Economic Lessons for Amish Children. Of course, the lessons could be of value to non-Amish children (and some adults!), as well.
Inflation: Transitory? Or Just Getting Started?
Tuesday, the 11th of January 2022
Ok, so now everyone can see the price inflation...
Don't Forget about Food!
Wednesday, the 16th of June 2021
My father was born in 1922, in Germany. As many people know, hyper-inflation in Germany...
How Inflation Plays Out
Tuesday, the 2nd of March 2021
The problem with inflation is that it has a number of mal-effects on the economy and society in general. The following is...
Is it Unpatriotic to Avoid the Coming Price Inflation?
Sunday, the 21st of February 2021
Some people believe it is patriotic to deprive a wasteful government of the capital that is being seized and squandered by it. Fortunately...
Earning a Profit, or Not?
Thursday, the 18th of February 2021
Earning a profit is important for five reasons...
Unequal Treatment under the Law
Tuesday, the 16th of February 2021
Government is an instrument of force. Its laws, rules, and regulations are enforceable with police power and military might. This force is necessary to...
The Confusion about Inflation
Wednesday, the 20th of January 2021
I recently read an article in which the author defined inflation as a “sustained increase in the price of goods and services.” While this definition is quite common, it is not accurate. Inflation is the increase in the supply of money and credit, pure and simple. This may lead to rising prices of goods and services (price inflation), but to say that the rising prices are inflation confuses the cause and effect of the rising prices. This is important because...
The Return of Capitalism
Sunday, the 17th of January 2021
The United States already has socialism to a large extent. That's not to say that it couldn't get much worse. It could. And it just has. Let me explain.
How Free Things Can Destroy Incentives
Sunday, the 20th of December 2020
When food aid was sent to Haiti after it suffered a devastating earthquake in January 2010...
What Would Happen if the U.S. government were to Abolish the Federal Income Tax?
Monday, the 2nd of November 2020
Obviously, the Federal Government would bring in approximately $3.7 trillion fewer dollars...